video, sound, installation
syn = both, share
chronos = time
Through time we have seen many new methods for communicating with each other. From word-to-mouth, to smoke signals, to radio, to morse, television, Internet, GPS, … All these communication ways, even though successful, also always struggled with miss-communication and misunderstanding. Social network is one of the latest communication techniques. With this latest tool we see a lot of new problems arising:
“We don’t see the people behind the messages that they share, they become transparent messengers”
“The overload of communication tools, messages, posts on the Internet make everything become like a blur, a beautiful mist, haze”
Accepting this, we can see the beauty in it and the new possibilities of chances that it creates. It is with this idea I wanted to make an installation that uses different communication tools (sound, light, electronics, …) to explore this world of communication becoming abstracted.
“Syn+Chronos+Space” contains 3 interactive objects: a water pipe organ, a planetarium inspired tent, and a video projection.
In this installation I want to explore different methods for communicating in a Utopia futuristic context. All 3 objects communicate and interact with each other through space in various ways: the water pipe organ by abstracted sounds, the planetarium inspired tent by touch sensitive sensors, and the video projections by moving video images, sound-fragile costumes, urinating backpacks, drums, …
As with communication by social media programs, we can be extrovert or introvert, hiding behind nicknames, or using social media for attract attention to yourself. “Syn+Chronos+Space” also plays with this contrast. We see a tent like structure, which could represent hiding, but at the same time the tent represents a planetarium, a building that we use in hope of being talked to from outer space.
video stills of touch triggered projections part of 'Syn - Chronos - Space' (2015)
study for the installation view of 'Syn - Chronos - Space' (loop)
Planetarium Tent, Water Typing Organ & touch triggered video projection screens.
installation view of 'Syn-Chronos-Space'
close-ups of Planetarium Tent & Water Typing Organ
documentation video of performance part of 'Syn - Chronos - Space'
8'22" - sound - color
Tsubasa Hori, Chakky Kato
RAPID MEDIA, Thomas Verdeyen & Kris Meeusen.
Sumire Hayakawa, Philippe Van Wolputte.
a selection of the touch triggered video projections part of the video installation
Channel 1 - 8
5'22" - color - silent